26 October 2021
3 Reasons Why Your Office Needs a Paper Shredder
How does your office handle your document security? While firewalls and anti-virus/malware solutions are suitable for protecting digital data, paper documents are also a source of material for fraudsters and scammers.
If your business relies on paper documents, then it’s a good idea to invest in a paper shredder. Paper shredders reduce the risk of identity theft which could result in huge financial losses for your company.
Recent legislation like the HIPPA act requires all businesses handling sensitive documents to utilise a shredder. Paper shredders for offices are available in different capacities and security levels to suit your business requirements.
If a bad actor gets their hands on sensitive documents, it could spell disaster for your company. Not only are you putting your organisation at risk, but you could be jeopardising your client’s information.
Your document handling and destruction procedures need to be airtight to avoid this kind of calamity from happening. Fortunately, a paper shredder gives you the perfect tool for disposing of sensitive documents and materials.
There are several reasons why you should think about purchasing a paper shredder. Here are five that are worthy of consideration.
#1 Reduce Clutter and Organise
Do you have overflowing filing cabinets? We’re all guilty of holding onto paperwork for longer than necessary. Many businesses don’t want to risk throwing away documents that could contain sensitive information, so they let them pile up.
If you move your old documents to a digital format, then it’s time to get rid of the physical paperwork using a paper shredder. Just think about the space you could save in your office by getting rid of those filing cabinets that are bursting at the seams.
Along with paper, some of the top models also destroy materials like plastic, allowing you to get rid of DVDs, credit cards, or any other sensitive materials.
#2 Protect Sensitive Information
Do you work with documents that contain sensitive information? Use a paper shredder to prevent fraud and identity theft. Some criminals are smarter than we assume, and they spend hours digging through dumpsters to find the documents you throw away.
If these individuals come across paperwork with names, birth dates, Social Security Numbers, or banking information, it’s like they hit the jackpot.
The last thing you want is a criminal stealing your sensitive data, or worse, your client’s sensitive data. Can you imagine the legal liability if they discover your firm as the source of the leak?
#3 Legal Privacy Compliance
It’s part of any responsible company’s duties to adhere to the document destruction policies outlined in the previous point. However, it’s not only a company policy to destroy sensitive data – it’s the law.
The HIPPA and FACTA legislation states that companies shred their sensitive documents to protect consumers, patients, and clients.
Failing to adhere to these laws could land your company in huge trouble with the government, resulting in massive fines for your business.
The Final Thought – How Much Is a Paper Shredder Worth to Your Business?
Many business owners think they can’t afford the costs of adding a paper shredder to their operating overhead. However, based on the information in the post, it’s clear to see that your firm can’t afford to do without this device in your office.