29 January 2021
What is the Difference Between Binding Machines and Booklet Makers?
While many people already within the industry may be aware of the difference between Binding Machines and Booklet Makers, those who are new to the industry, such as new startups, might require a little more information, to ensure that they are purchasing the correct machinery for their visions.
What is a Binding Machine?
A binding machine can be one of a range of machines. These machines form a way of binding together any number of pages, to ensure that they are kept together as one document. Some methods of binding are permanent, others can be easily undone. Some will also require the pages of the document to be hole-punched, whereas the more permanent methods do not.
Types of binding machines include:
- Wire Binding – also known by a number of other names including twin loop wire, wire-o, double loop wire, double-o, ring wire and wirebind. This method requires hole punching the document to twist wire into, thus bindining the document.
- Coil Binding – this style of binding is also known by other names including: spiral, coil, color coil, plastikoil, plastic coil, coil bind & ez-coil. Similar to wire binding this method requires hole punching, but uses a plastic coil to bind the document.
- Comb Binding – this method is popular with the education sector due to its flexibility. This method uses round plastic spines with 19 or 21 rings and a hole puncher that makes rectangular holes.
- Thermal Binding – this process uses coloured linen strips coated in thermoplastic glue that, when melted to the spine and covers of a book, creates a strong and lasting bind.
- Perfect Binding – this widely used soft cover book binding method means that the pages and cover are glued together at the spine with a strong yet flexible thermal glue.
- Surebind & Velobind – also known as Legal Binding this method involves punching several small holes along the edge of an unbound book, a binding strip is inserted then hot knives seal the strip in place.
What is a Booklet Maker?
Similar to a binding machine, a booklet maker attaches any number of pages together. However, this machine will use staples to semi-permanently attach the pages together. This type of machine commonly staples the sheets in the centre and then folds the document into a booklet shape. This method requires the document to be printed appropriately, with both front and back printed in two pages and formatted in the correct order. Typically 2 – 3 staples are used to hold the pages together.
If you have any further questions regarding booklet makers or binding machines, please contact a member of our team today who will be happy to assist you. For binding machines that require your pages to be punched, please take a look at our selection of punching machines to ensure you have everything you need to start running.