22 February 2022
The Ultimate Guide to Office Paper Shredding Machines
Paper shredding is one of the most common office tasks. There are several advantages to having a paper shredder in your office, including reducing costs, reducing environmental impact, and better productivity. The vast majority of employees shred their sensitive information once a week, and that’s it. While many people do this, there are plenty of reasons to consider moving beyond the standard once-a-week routine.
Your business may have sensitive documents that require better security than the old postal service can provide; you may want to increase your capacity for recycling your office paper. An office paper shredder is an essential piece of equipment for security professionals or government employees. However, when choosing a suitable paper shredder, you need to ensure that it meets all your needs.
How to Choose a High-Quality Office Paper Shredding Machines?
First and foremost, the type of paper shredder you buy needs to suit your business. This means that it features high-quality construction and provides quality cuttings. Choosing an office paper shredder with greater capacity than a standard locker size (when used in conjunction with secure disposal bin systems) ensures that its robust base can support additional incoming documents during peak hours and regular hourly replacement or maintenance of bins or bags.
The best office paper shredders will have at least a double-barred seal; there should be no rips, tears, or holes in the bag material. Just as necessary is ensuring that the office waste paper shredder you need supports a secure disposal system because an unsecured desk can allow anyone to access sensitive documents easily. Even if this occurs in a busy business environment, it could embarrass your company and even threaten its reputation due to potential threats against personnel or clients. So, carefully choose an office paper shredder.
How to Care For Your Office Paper Shredding Machines?
If you want to avoid issues of jamming, sticking or misbehaving shredders and cutters – regularly feed your paper into the machine’s feed chute. To simplify maintenance schedules, you can also use this device continually with modified duty cycles such as continuous 100% run time.
If provided by the manufacturer, consult user manuals for cleaning instructions on how best to clean or maintain it. Use only mild detergents on the office paper shredder’s own washable outer sealing material and lid. It would be best to clean the machine by first unplugging it from the power supply. Then locate any accumulated dust inside, wiping with a soft damp cloth and using a mild detergent solvent or water mixture of some kind to clean your unit.
Clean all moving parts (including electric motors) at least once per week with a cleaner that contains no oil or solvents on them – on this list; we have recommended: ” All Pure Tech” based cleaning agents. It is also imperative to never use oil-based products on paper shredders to cause severe damage.
When choosing an office paper shredder, it is essential to consider the needs of your business. Make sure to select a machine that is secure and easy to use. Regularly feeding your paper into the machine’s feed chute will help avoid jams and misbehaving cutters. If provided by the manufacturer, consult user manuals for cleaning instructions on how best to clean or maintain it!